Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Caught in the Web

Caught in the Web by Reney L
Caught in the Web, a photo by Reney L on Flickr.

A couple of years ago, I started a 365-day project that didn't go much beyond a week or so. My goal was to shoot 365 self-portraits in reflective surfaces. I stopped because I stayed home a bit too much. I quickly ran out of reflective surfaces in the apartment (interesting ones, that is), so I gave it up.

But seeing photos like this one make me want to start it up again.


  1. Glad you're back to it. Hoping for many interesting reflective surfaces to present themselves, one day at a time.

  2. Steffe... indeed. I'm not sure it's for me yet, however.

    Kathleen... this is someone else's photo, but, yeah... maybe one day.

  3. So happy to be your inspiration! Good luck with the project! I'll check in once in awhile to see how it's going. Regards, Reney
